Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mac Versus Windows

Some of you may already know that our IMac computers in this lab can run as either a Mac operating system or Windows. I want to take a few moments today to show you how to change from Mac to Windows while you are working on a machine in class.

Then, we all need a pen/pencil and something to write a few notes onto. We are going to do some RESUME brainstorming!


  1. Mac Pwns Windows!!!! by PL

  2. I LUV THIZ CLASS..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Can't wait till we start on our resumes!! This is Hannah.

  4. It will be cool to learn how to change the computers. Will we ever have homework in this class? from: Hannah

  5. Hannah,
    Typically, we will not have homework in this class unless it is something that you want to finish up at home.

  6. i think it would be cool if we learned how to do computers or to change them...
