Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Introducing Business & Computer Science

Let's start off with a quick overview of the class website and contract. Then, we will begin to explore things over the next week that will have you prepared to succeed in this class as well as all of your others here at GMS!

8th & 7th Graders (COMPLETE TODAY)

Before you do anything else today, you are going to answer a few short questions. Please use complete sentences that fully develop your thoughts. At the end of your comments, put your initials. Example, my name is Andy Coleman, so I would put "AC" at the end.

1) What stands out most in your mind about this Business & Computer Science class? Good or bad.

2) What could be done to improve the BCS class for future GMS students?

3) What things do you wish you could have learned in this class that you did not?

4) Is there any software that you know of that we did not use, and would be really good for middle school students to learn?

5) What do you like about doing projects in a group? What do you not like about group work? How could I improve the projects we did?