MSBCS-BCSI-1: Students will identify computer system components.
a) Identify and define the key functional components (input devices, output devices, processor, operating system, software applications, memory, storage, etc.)
b) Understand the terms and units that are used to describe major hardware components (RAM, ROM, GHz, MHz, GB, MB, CD, DVD, RW, etc.)
c) Explain operating system software, application software, and utility software, citing examples of each.
MSBCS-BCSI-2: Students will identify and demonstrate computer maintenance and safety.
a) Explain basic file management.
b) Create a folder/directory.
c) Move, copy, delete, and rename files and folders.
d) Follow safety procedures in the use of computers.
MSBCS-BCSI-3: Students will develop an individual career plan reflecting their personal traits and values.
a) Assess personality traits and interests using an Interest Survey instrument.
b) Utilize Interest Survey results to match interests with potential careers.
c) Apply knowledge gained from individual assessment to develop a career plan.
MSBCS-BCSI-4: Students will develop keyboarding skills by touch with speed and accuracy.
a) Identify home row keys and correct finger placement.
b) Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques (posture, position, finger placement, etc.).
c) Use correct keystroking technique for the alphabetic keys.
d) Use correct keystroking technique for the number keys.
MSBCS-BCSI-5: Students will discuss Internet safety and security issues.
a) Identify Internet safety and security concerns (Cyber Predators, etc.).
b) Discuss illegal aspects of software piracy, hacking, and computer viruses.
MSBCS-BCSI-6: Students will utilize the Internet as a resource.
a) Model ethical use of Internet resources (Piracy, Plagiarism, Copyright, etc.).
b) Access and examine available Web sites on the Internet, using different search engines to find information.
c) Copy/Save text and images from the Internet, citing references according to copyright laws.
MSBCS-BCSI-7: Students will develop and model employability skills.
a) Identify grooming and dress standards in various workplace environments.
b) Demonstrate employability skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and organizational skills.
c) Demonstrate personal work ethics (dependability, punctuality, responsibility, integrity, getting along with others) that are needed to be successful in the workplace.
MSBCS-BCSI-8: Students will utilize word processing software.
a) Identify and explain basic word processing terminology (file, open, save, print, copy, paste, toolbar, highlight, font, etc.).
b) Label the parts of a word processing screen.
c) Create and save a basic word processing document.
d) Retrieve, edit, manipulate, and print a document.
e) Format various business and personal documents.
MSBCS-BCSI-9: Students will develop and apply basic spreadsheet skills.
a) Identify and explain basic spreadsheet terminology (cell, column, row, formula, label, function, etc.).
b) Label the parts of a spreadsheet.
c) Create and save a basic spreadsheet.
d) Change column width and row height.
e) Retrieve, edit, manipulate, and print a spreadsheet.
f) Format the contents of a cell – change fonts and font sizes, align text, format numbers, and apply borders.
g) Use the autosum feature.
h) Create and print a basic chart using spreadsheet data.
MSBCS-BCSI-10: Students will develop and apply basic database skills.
a) Identify the purpose of databases.
b) Acquire efficient research strategies to locate information.
c) Efficiently retrieve, update, and edit a database.
d) Utilize a database to create an electronic portfolio.
e) Learn database terminology.
f) Understand when database software is an appropriate tool.
g) Create a basic database from data provided.
MSBCS-BCSI-11: Students will develop and apply basic desktop publishing skills.
a) Identify the purpose and type of documents produced utilizing desktop publishing software.
b) Understand when desktop publishing software is an appropriate tool.
c) Demonstrate knowledge of desktop publishing terminology.
d) Complete basic desktop publishing assignments.
MSBCS-BCSI-12: Students will acquire basic knowledge and skills of multimedia/presentation software.
a) Identify and explain multimedia/presentation graphics terminology.
b) Plan and design basic presentations.
c) Create, save, and print basic presentations.
d) Apply animation to slides.
e) Display and explain presentation to peers.
f) Critique presentations.