Friday, January 28, 2011


Grade 1: Log in to PowerSchool, StudyIsland, & Typing Pal

Grade 2: Finished Study Island Pre-Tests

Grade 3:
(6th&7th)Finished Step 1 & 2 on Typing Pal; (8th)5 Paragraph Essay

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Study Island Day

Please have a pencil and paper to show work. Please use "split screen" on your monitor, so that you can open both the problems and the lesson help window.

8th Graders:
  • Math Section - Algebra - Solve Linear Relationships (20 Questions/Test Mode)
7th Graders:
  • Math Section - Algebra - Algebraic Expressions (20 Questions/Test Mode)
6th Graders:
  • Math Section - Algebra - Ratios (20 Questions/Test Mode)


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6th Grade - Using Word Processors

Let's start off by explaining what is meant in the world of computing when you hear "Word Processor". At GMS, we are going to use a program called Microsoft Word to write a short essay. Microsoft Word is the most commonly used word processing software in the US.

Follow the step-by-step instructions that are given by the teacher to open this software.

Typing Pal & New York Times Tech Article

Today, we will start class by reviewing the assigned Typing Pal Exercise lessons. Then, I want you to visit NYTimes Technology news website to begin choosing an article for your next project. Don't forget that STUDY ISLAND pre-tests are due by week's end!

Please copy the URL of the web address for the article you choose, and paste it into a new Microsoft Word document. Save the document as "LastName Essay"

If you are not familiar with Microsoft Word, open the program by doing the following: START-ALL PROGRAMS-MICROSOFT OFFICE-MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD 2003

I will walk you through copying the HYPERLINK to the article you choose.